Fallout 4 perk chart update
Fallout 4 perk chart update

Heavy guns now do 80% more damage and have a chance to stagger your opponent. Hip fire accuracy is increased even more. Heavy guns now do 40% more damage, and have improved hip fire accuracy. Thanks to practice and conditioning, heavy guns do 20% more damage. You gain access to Rank 3 melee weapon mods. You gain access to Rank 2 melee weapon mods. Protect yourself from the dangers of the Wasteland with access to base level and Rank 1 armor mods.įire up the forge and gain access to base level and Rank 1 melee weapon mods. You now do double damage with a melee weapon, and gain a chance to cripple your opponent, or grand slam their head clean off! You now do 80% more melee weapon damage and hit all targets in front of you. You now do 60% more melee weapon damage and gain an increased chance to disarm your opponent.

fallout 4 perk chart update

You now do 40% more melee weapon damage and gain a chance to disarm your opponent. Swing for the fences! Do 20% more melee weapon damage. Unarmed Power Attacks have an increased chance to cripple one of your opponent's limbs. Unarmed Power Attacks have a chance to cripple one of your opponent's limbs. Punching attacks now do 40% more damage and can disarm your opponent. If the SPECIAL- bobbleheads and " You're SPECIAL!" have been picked up prior to increasing the relevant base stats to 10 through the perk chart, they will effectively take the place of one perk point each, potentially reducing the minimum level required for every perk to 278, but at the cost of limiting the player's maximum possible base SPECIAL stats.Ĭhannel your chi to unleash devastating fury! Punching attacks do 20% more damage to your opponent. To unlock every perk and maximize each base SPECIAL stat, including the 7 perk ranks added with Far Harbor and the 7 perk ranks added with Nuka-World, the player character must get to level 286. Level 50 is required to meet higher rank requirements for all of the perks. The level required varies by perk and rank.

#Fallout 4 perk chart update full

Initial perk ranks have no level requirement and may be taken as soon as their base SPECIAL requirement is met, but additional ranks also impose a level requirement, preventing perks from reaching their full potential right away. Each rank costs one perk point and grants new bonuses however each rank must be purchased in order. Perks higher up on the chart (with lower base SPECIAL requirements) do not have to be obtained prior to obtaining perks lower on the chart (with higher base SPECIAL requirements).Įach perk has multiple ranks. The perk chart does not follow a strict "tree" format any perk may be selected in any order so long as its base SPECIAL requirement is met. However, SPECIAL stats granted through temporary means such as equipment, chems, and alcohol do not affect which perks may be taken.

fallout 4 perk chart update

Obtaining the SPECIAL- bobbleheads and " You're SPECIAL!" also increase the base SPECIAL stats, potentially allowing new perks to be selected. Each perk has a base SPECIAL requirement that must be met before it can be taken this is based off the starting stats chosen upon character creation, along with any increases to those stats obtained through spending perk points. SPECIAL perks are obtainable via spending perk points in the perk chart. rank 4 of Iron Fist, make sure to first add the 3 lower ranks. For example, to add rank 1 of Iron Fist, one would type player.addperk 1dafe into the console. Any perk with a form ID can be added with the console via player.addperk.

fallout 4 perk chart update fallout 4 perk chart update

When obtained, these perks are viewable on the Pip-Boy's perks screen, which is separate from the perk chart.Įvery perk has a form ID. Unless otherwise specified, all perks are permanent. In addition, there are other perks that can be gained through the player character's actions, such as reading a magazine, which don't use up perk points. This is all manageable from the perk chart screen within the Pip-Boy. Every rank of the SPECIAL attributes and perks costs 1 perk point. This point can be expended on an increase in the rank of a primary SPECIAL attribute, or on one of the SPECIAL perks. Each time the player character gains a level they gain a perk point. The new perk system of Fallout 4 has merged with the skill system of previous games.

Fallout 4 perk chart update