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Deutschland beteiligte sich mit Ausnahme der Kampagne 2010 an allen Europäischen Moos Surveys. In ihnen werden Schwermetalle (HM, seit 1990), Stickstoff (N, seit 2005) und persistente organische Stoffe (POP, seit 2010) bestimmt. Sie wird seit 1990 europaweit alle fünf Jahre an bis zu 7300 Orten mit Moosen gemessen. There is a need of constituting a task force and regional cooperation which can look into the modalities of the calculations and policy framing between the stakeholders.ĭie atmosphärische Deposition kann mit technischen Sammlern, mit Biomonitoren sowie mit Modellierungen erfolgen. The present study reviews the effect of LRT on rain, snow, and dust and aerosol chemistry and reiterates the need to calculate the fraction of transported pollutants from other regions while formulating the strategies to improve the air quality. The backward trajectories have shown that the downwind locations mostly suffer from bad air quality. Furthermore, the continental outflow has been found to be rich in anthropogenic pollutants which get mixed with marine atmosphere and their deposition alters the C/N ratio of oceanic waters. The LRT is also a great threat to the sensitive ecosystems such as the Himalayan region and Western Ghats in the Indian subcontinent or South Asia. The LRT of acidifying substances has been found damaging for receptor site soils and sensitive ecosystems. The transport of polluted continental air masses up to the Indian Ocean has implications for Indian Summer Monsoons (ISM). On the other hand, the forest fires in Southeast Asia lead to long-term climate implications. The transported mineral dust in west and south Asia contributes to high particulate loadings in the region. The South Asian region is severely affected by long range transport and trans boundary pollution originated from Europe, Middle-east, Africa, Southeast Asia etc. Such long distance and inter-continental transport of both natural as well as anthropogenic pollutants adversely affects different atmospheric processes. In order to estimate sources of pollution and the possible impacts, it is necessary to understand local as well as long range transport of pollution. Long Range Transport (LRT) of air pollutants is an important process of pollution transport to very distant sites. This study shows that increased permafrost thawing in the future can influence water quality in high-alpine settings.

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We further hypothesize that the thawing of permafrost affects the flow path of water enabling its contact with fresh highly weatherable minerals increasing the overall weathering rate and shifting the relative ionic composition in the discharge toward the ions that originate from the most soluble minerals. These deposits are very common in the closer surroundings.

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Because of these results, we postulate the presence of subsurface traces of sulfate-bearing evaporites, probably associated with Triassic metasediments. δ34S of sulfate in the inlets and the outflow indicated that sulfate in Lake Leit mainly derived from dissolution of gypsum/anhydrite even if its presence is not confirmed by the Geologic Atlas of Switzerland. Ground surface temperatures of the rock glacier indicated a high probability of permafrost occurrence, while the annual mean air temperature after the mid-1980s showed continuously positive deviations from the long-term average values (period 1961–1990) with increasing values after 2010. The highest concentrations were measured in the springs at the bottom of the rock glacier. The inlets have sulfate and base cations concentrations that were up to double the concentrations of the lake outlet confirming the presence of catchment internal sources.

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Atmospheric deposition, the only catchment external source, could be excluded as possible cause. During the last 30 years, concentrations of sulfate and base cations increased by factors of 4 and 3, respectively. Here, we present the impressive temporal increase in solutes in Lake Leit, a mountain lake in the Central Alps that is impacted by an active rock glacier. Several studies showed that meltwater from glaciated and perennially frozen areas can profoundly affect alpine aquatic ecosystems. Mountains are among the most sensitive ecosystems to climate change, and one of the most evident signs of climate-related effect is the continuous net loss of ice from the cryosphere.

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